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Business English
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Business English &

Business vocabulary

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Business English Vocabulary: Practice Test 23

Business English
Practice Tests

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Professionals, students,

& academic tests

Business English
Practice Test
Business English competence
Competency business English
Test your business English now

Business English competency includes: learning business English vocabulary.

Business English competency includes: learning business English terms.

Business English competency includes: learning specific business English terms and technical jargon

Business English competency includes: learning business English phrases and slang.

Business English competency includes: learning business English vocabulary.

Business English competency includes: learning business English types.

Business English competency includes: learning business English idioms.

To improve your Business English competence and proficiency, and succeed at taking business English tests.
Here are five product related English words that are very useful when learning business English:

Artificial intelligence:
The simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans.

The use of technology to perform tasks without human intervention.

A pre-release version of a product that is made available to a limited audience for testing.

A name, term, design, symbol, or other feature that distinguishes a company’s products from those of others.

An error or flaw in a software program or system.

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