English General knowledge Vocabulary for Tourism: 05
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English General knowledge Vocabulary for Tourism: 05

English test creator:        David Alalade    

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General English Practice Test
English tourist vacation English
Tourist vacation English
Test your vacation English
Improve your vacation English

Tourist vacation English deals with adapting to hotel booking changes, cancellations, mistakes, etc

Tourist vacation English deals with communication with sellers, front desk, medical personel, etc

Tourist vacation English involves ordering food and drinks at restaurants and hotels.

Tourist vacation English involves asking questions about proces, times, and details.

Tourist vacation English involves asking questions about weather conditions.

Tourist vacation English involves finding specific places and attractions.

Tourist vacation English includes meeting people, friends, and family in different places.

General English
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General knowledge tests

To increase your English general knowledge and your understanding of our tourism English tests.
Here are five popular tourist vacation activities:

Sightseeing is a popular tourist activity that involves visiting famous landmarks, historical sites, and cultural attractions. Examples include the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the Colosseum in Rome, and the Great Wall of China.

Beach vacations:
Beach vacations are a popular way to relax and unwind. Popular beach destinations include the Maldives, Bora Bora, and Phuket.

Adventure travel:
Adventure travel is a type of tourism that involves outdoor adventures such as hiking, rock climbing, and white-water rafting. Popular adventure travel destinations include New Zealand, Costa Rica, and Patagonia.

Cultural tours:
Cultural tours involve visiting places that are significant to the history, art, and culture of a particular region or country. Examples include visiting museums, art galleries, historical sites, and cultural events.

Wildlife safaris:
Wildlife safaris are a popular way to experience nature and see exotic animals up close. Popular wildlife safari destinations include Kenya, Tanzania, and South Africa.

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